Conte repels the latest assault. Except for the Citizenship Income. On the 110% Superbonus, however, the Isee ceiling for single-family homes remains. Goodbye forever to Cashback

An "expansive law, which accompanies the recovery". The reassurances on the goodness of the maneuver - the first of the government of the Best ( read the article - here the summary ) - come from the premier himself at the end of the long Council of Ministers that passed the budget law. The country, Mario Draghi estimates , will grow by over 6% and growth is the compass and strategy of this government. Shoot Dragons mind-boggling figures. A good 540 billion in investments in 15 years if we also consider the funds of the NRP. And 40 billion in three years for the reduction of taxes.

The premier said that the work carried out on the maneuver was truly remarkable and that at the end of the CDM there was even applause. But at Palazzo Chigi in the long meeting that led to the passing of the budget law, not everything went smoothly. The drafts circulated on the maneuver spoke of the suspension of the Citizenship Income after two refused job offers (currently the limit is three) and the cutting of the allowance starting from the sixth month, to the extent of five euros, for the employable.

Measures that the M5S considered too severe and which, on the contrary, the right-wingers wanted to tighten up. The center-right, in particular, would have asked for a stop to the citizenship income check after the first refusal of a job offer and would have defended the hypothesis of decalage starting from the sixth month for everyone, regardless of any employment proposals received. But the assault thanks to the intervention of the M5S leader Giuseppe Conte , who phoned Draghi, was rejected.

In the end, the text remained as expected in the first instance: the suspension comes after the second no and the decalage starts only after the first refusal. "This is not the political government of our dreams, but we have remained in the trenches to defend what has been built in recent years for families, workers and businesses", comments Conte on social media. “On the Citizenship Income we have done what we said: we have refinanced and improved it. Those who receive the check are encouraged to accept the first job offer already, if they do not, the support is gradually reduced. And this is right because in such a difficult moment in the country a job offer is not refused.

Reliefs for all companies that hire income earners looking for work become quick and easy. We tighten the control and intervention mechanisms against scams. We leave unchanged the economic protection for the disabled, minors, fragile subjects, for those who cannot be employed ”. Lights and shadows on the Superbonus: Conte also asks (and for now does not obtain) to lower the income ceiling on the green incentive for the villas to which the extension has been extended. “Only thanks to our insistence, the Superbonus 110% is extended. We knocked down another wall, obtaining a first extension of the extension to single-family  homes. However, we must expand the number of families and we are already working for a further increase in the Isee limit ”, explains the former prime minister.

Riccardo Fraccaro (M5S), father of the measure, does not hide his disappointment: "If the circulating draft of the budget law is confirmed, the government effectively kills the Superbonus and with it the economic recovery". Nothing to do for the Cashback that is archived. “We are sorry to note that not everyone, like the M5S, is committed to a real anti-evasion plan”, comments Conte. That sinks: "To other political forces, to the right and to its new travel companions - to the ranks that go from Meloni to Renzi, passing through Salvini - we leave the burden of 'pampering' tax evaders to the detriment of our schools, services, hospitals "


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