The Senate operates the guillotine. Ddl Zan hanging by a thread. Tomorrow we vote on the trap requested by Salvini. Read ready to negotiate to save the law

If it is not the last turn of the clock, we are close. What begins tomorrow will undoubtedly be the decisive day to understand the fate of the law against homotransphobia of which the dem Alessandro Zan (in the photo) is the first signatory. After criticism, disputes and attempts to bury the text, the Zan bill risks getting bogged down forever and for this reason the secretary of the Democratic Party, Enrico Letta, has opened negotiations with Italia Viva and center-right to make corrections and save the law .

It is a difficult game, according to some even impossible, that the dem leader has entrusted to Zan in view of the arrival - scheduled for tomorrow - of the text in the Senate. Right here, however, the trap is ready because in 24 hours at Palazzo Madama there will be a vote on the request of the Brothers of Italy and the League not to proceed with the examination of the articles of the law, which if it passed would definitively knock out the text.

To make everything more uncertain there is also the possibility that the vote could take place by secret ballot. This being the case, the margins for saving the procedure are few. Dem Zan knows this well and explains: “The important thing is to overcome the obstacle of Wednesday's trap proposed by Fdi and Lega: if the law were passed, he would die. If FdI and Lega wanted to participate in the dialogue they should cancel this procedural proposal ". The dem then specifies that he wants to" hear everyone "given that" I have no basic prejudices but it is certain that Lega and Fdi have done everything to bury the law, not to find an agreement. We will fight so that this does not happen ".

NEGOTIATION. That the game is delicate can also be understood from the fact that two different working tables have been convened at Palazzo Madama. The first is that of Zan who will meet the group leaders individually while the second, always with the group leaders, was summoned by the Northern League senator Andrea Ostellari. Precisely the fact that the proposal comes from a party that has always been against the Zan bill is creating unease in the center-left that fears tripping. In all this chaos, the only certainty is the position of M5S summarized by Senator Alessandra Maiorino who has armored both the extension of hate crimes to discrimination on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation, and the reference to prevention activities in schools.

The pentastellata has made it known that the 5 Stars “will ensure that the opening of Letta does not lead to unacceptable impairments of the law to contrast homolesbobitransphobia. Gender identity, as well as sexual orientation, cannot be the object of bargaining "as are" also indispensable courses of education to respect in schools, strongly desired by us


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