Torn apart by the vaccine

Note: The testimonials have sometimes been rephrased for brevity, or to protect the anonymity of those involved, as requested by readers who wrote to us.

"I am ashamed to be ashamed of my child"

“My daughter refuses to be vaccinated. She's not an anti-vaccine, she's not rebellious, she just doesn't feel worried. Her father and I are doubly vaccinated and we have tried several times to convince her, but she still refuses. She's an adult and hasn't lived with us since she started college, so obviously we can't force her to be vaccinated. When my coworkers talk about the vaccine, I am ashamed to say that my daughter refuses the vaccine ... and afterwards, I am ashamed to be ashamed of my child, while being terribly worried that she will catch COVID-19 . "

Pregnant and worried

“I feel immense unease at being one of those unvaccinated 'villains' who are seen as irresponsible quasi-terrorists. I am a provaccin. I was 13 weeks pregnant when I received my first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Three days later, I had a miscarriage. Those who have experienced a miscarriage know how painful and traumatic this tragedy is. I saw several doctors and none wanted to declare this event as a possible side effect of the vaccine. I am now 16 weeks pregnant again. So far, all is well. Soon, I will be forced to receive the second dose of the vaccine to keep my job, even if I am on preventive withdrawal at home rubbing my belly. I don't want to be vaccinated. I have the bitch. "

"My child is one of those who are called selfish"

“At first, I was hesitant to receive the vaccine. I thought everything had been rushed and I didn't like to feel “obligated”. But with the announcement of the vaccination passport, the whole family was vaccinated, except my son. I am really sad to see him more and more isolated. He is a sensitive and kind man, but the period of confinement and the sanitary measures affected him a lot. He turned on the government. We've tried talking to him, sending him articles to make him think and encourage him to get the vaccine, but the more we try, the more he argues. I did not cut the bridges, I listen to him. My child is one of those who are called selfish, anti-masks, anti-vaccines, and it tears my heart. It is not by rejecting and judging these unvaccinated people that we will help society. "

Distrust of the government

“At first, it was cautious about a new vaccine and its possible side effects. Now it is mistrust and opposition to the authoritarian regime of Mr. Legault. Before the vaccination passport was announced, I had planned to get vaccinated. Now I am looked down upon by most columnists in the media, besides our Prime Minister. Without wanting to die, unfortunately I no longer want to live like this. Like a second-class person. "

"We have a very heavy heart"

“My son is ready to lose everything: his job for which he has just obtained tenure, the right to go to work in his favorite café, to go out to restaurants, to the cinema, to practice his sports activities. But above all, he is ready to split our family. He is an intelligent man, who graduated from university. He is neither conspiratorial nor egotistical. But what to say to our families and friends? We avoid the topic because they don't understand what I don't understand myself. We are ashamed to tell them about our son's decision. Lately we've tried to bring it up again, and it hasn't ended very well. I think we'll try to talk about it again, and let him explain his point of view without intervening. We will then try to argue calmly, but I know my son, he won't let go. Her father and I are very heavy-hearted. And I know that my son is very unhappy about this situation. "

Disappointed with the vaccine obligation

“I am a retired nurse, I have administered vaccines for more than half of my career. Among my relatives, I know at least 25 unvaccinated people. They are not conspirators and tattooed, they do not go to demonstrations. Many are over 60 years old. They respect barrier gestures and wear the mask whenever required. Among the unvaccinated, some feel a lot of anguish at the idea of ​​being forced to be vaccinated. Since the start of the pandemic, I tried to reassure them by telling them that no vaccine would ever be mandatory in Quebec, that the Charter of Rights would protect them. I am very disappointed with the attitude of our leaders who are acting on a poll and flouting individual rights. I am also shocked to read comments which are of rare violence towards the unvaccinated. "

Not trust

“I am not vaccinated. I am well aware that my individual choice has consequences for society, and there are days when I hesitate… I can see that the health system is on the verge of implosion. I am not a conspirator, I vote on the left, I have a graduate university degree, I read research articles on a regular basis in my job. I don't trust the vaccine. I do not believe the government cares about my health. I still prefer to live without a vaccine passport rather than having the impression of giving in to something that doesn't make sense to me. "

For his mother

“I read Rima Elkouri's column and tears roll down my cheeks. I no longer have the choice of getting vaccinated, because I will be prevented from taking care of my mother, who lives in a residence. For me, it's as if I was going to be injected with a poison so that the last years of my mother's life were not taken hostage by the authorities. "

What we don't say

For some readers, vaccination is such an explosive subject that they have hidden their intention to raise their sleeve from those close to them. Others find it difficult to explain their complex family situation to those around them. Extracts.

Note: Testimonials have sometimes been reworded for brevity, or to protect the anonymity of those involved, as requested by readers who wrote to us.

"For love, I postponed my first dose"

“We have been together for 20 years and it is without a doubt one of the biggest crises we have faced. I have had health problems, I have already been hospitalized. I am for the vaccination. My wife is for traditional vaccines, but against the one against COVID-19. Several of her friends have convinced her that this vaccine has a lot of side effects and that these effects are dangerous for someone like me who takes blood thinners every day.

“For love, I therefore postponed my first dose in the fall. I made my appointment in secret and, two days before receiving my dose, I announced it to my wife. Crisis. The cries. In the end, I didn't have too many side effects, but since I caught my son's cold at the same time, I was a bit sore. My wife said it was the vaccine's fault.

“The scene repeated for the second dose. My wife was expecting the worst, even though I reassured her. And after 36 hours of muscle aches, I was in great shape.

“I notice this trend: people who have gone through an episode where the health system has not been up to par, as it happened to my wife, then turn to their own methods to prevent or cure illnesses, like alternative medicine. So when the “system” - even if they are experts in the matter - asks for a vaccination, these people don't trust them. They have learned to organize themselves. "

Respect for all

“I got vaccinated without my relatives knowing. For me, vaccination is a very personal choice. My mom isn't vaccinated, but she's not saying she never will. She doesn't feel the need right now, that's all. Some vaccinees display an air of superiority and allow themselves to denigrate those who are not. Yet it is not a violation of the law not to do so. I am vaccinated and also ready to respect the opinion of those who are not. "

Vaccinated, but isolated

“I was vaccinated in secret. The majority of my family are hostile to the vaccine. I told myself that it was common sense to get vaccinated and that those who are against vaccination had extreme views. But about two days after receiving my vaccine, I had some sort of stiff neck. Since then, I have run out of energy. I almost regret my choice, hoping it passes. I would like to know if I am the only one having these effects. For the moment, I dare not talk about it to my anti -ax entourage, but no one seems to be able to inform me adequately. "

Deprive yourself for the unvaccinated

“I am doubly vaccinated, but my partner is not. It's not that he's a conspirator, but he has concerns about the long-term effects of the vaccine. This situation has repercussions on our life… I could live a “normal” life, being vaccinated, but I prevent myself from doing so for fear of infecting it. Our children are not registered for activities. I worry about the possibility that one of our children will pass the virus to him and feel guilty for making him sick, or maybe worse. I understand that it's his choice, that it wouldn't be our fault if it happened, but we love him and it would be difficult to live with that on our conscience. The vaccine will soon be offered to children our age, and that will certainly cause some difficult discussions. "

Hide an unvaccinated lover

“I met a man last January. At the end of April, he told me that he would not be vaccinated. He's not a fan of conspiracy theories. He believes that his immune system is strong enough and that he believes there are more risks with the vaccine than with the virus. My strategy is then to avoid the subject. He knows I will get the shot and he doesn't try to persuade me not to. But the black cloud is there. At the end of May, with the deconfinement, with the second doses, it becomes more and more complicated. At the end of June, the relationship ended mutually. I couldn't see myself continuing to hide this situation as I went back to hanging out with friends and family, all “double dosed”. "


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